Business relations


1.WHAT IS VALUE … for the customer?

The origin and meaning of the word value.

When we talk about the value of products or services, we usually mean a company brand. This brand has specific connotations with the environment and carries a message, positive or negative.

The products available on the market are more and more similar to each other. Unification includes the type of suitability, functionality and purchasing (target) groups. How to find a brand differentation from products that do not differ from each other? Which product should I choose? What is the bond with the brand?

The distinguishing feature of a given brand is concentration on the brand and building value for the client.



………. when there is a need and a motive behind this need. During my training you will get to know three main, strong needs and willingness to pay for a specific brand.

YOU are also a brand as a person offering a product / service to the customer.

Both a personal brand with a specific set of character traits, personality traits as well as a professional brand combined with the company’s brand that offers the products it produces.

“Your brand is what people say about you when you leave the room.” Jeff Bezos

Therefore, first sell yourself as … value

Finding the answer to what it really means to sell yourself and how to use it in practice can be found in my training.

The aim of a good personal presentation as a personal and professional brand you will learn using the so-called technique. lift method.


3. A SHORT SALES STRATEGY – relations and values.

A proprietary, proven method that combines relational sales and sales through values.

The concept of “value for customer” is crucial in understanding the needs of the consumer. Probably it was introduced for the first time by the well-known theoretician of management P. Druckner in the publication The practice of Management, in 1954. Undoubtedly, it is currently gaining even more importance, if only because of much greater competition than in the 1950s.


Stage 1. VALUES – foundations for communication

My and your values ​​in creating positive, long-term relationships.

The way to find common values:

  1. a) DIALOGUE WORKSHOP – learning to conduct an open conversation

Emotions – the ability to name, understand, express feelings through emotions.

  1. b) SILENCE – as a competence and ability to listen
  2. c) QUESTIONS – techniques for asking questions about values ​​… what does the client want?

“Disappointment caused by low quality is remembered long after the joys of happiness due to the low price …” Aldo Gucci


Stage 2. RELEVANCE OF RELATIONSHIP by understanding different preferences of behavioral styles ( 4  types of personalities ), building conscious, positive behaviors to questions defining customer values ​​(what the client wants).


After my workshop you will learn:

give value to the customer

ask questions aimed at selling additional values

Shortened Sale Strategy – an effective method that combines relational sales and sales through values